Last year, we changed how we did the Annual Appeal. We decided to share with you a list of investments we wanted to make in student learning, safety, and our building. We also shared the cost of each investment so we could be totally transparent. And do you know what happened? You donated over 800% more than you ever had!
And do you know what we did with your donations? We invested in our kids like we promised we would.
This year, we have more big plans for improving our school. Why? Because the kids deserve it and they need it if they are going to be faithful Catholics leading the world to solve humanities biggest challenges.We have broken this year's Annual Appeal Investment Wish List into 4 categories:
Investment #1: Let's Create a Better Learning Environment
Investment #2: Let's Add More STEAM to our Learning
Investment #3: Let's Update School Security
Investment #4: Let's Thank and Retain Our Teachers
Click on the button below to view our Investment Wish List.
We know that Blessed Sacrament School has a very special place in your heart and in your memories. We know that you want to help but you also want to know that the money is going to the right places. That is why this year you can direct your money towards the specific project that matters to you.